Thursday, August 2, 2012

This one is about me

Well if you read my info thingy you would already know that I do not really care to be an electrician.  The entire concept bores me to tears but I can suffer through the work each day 5 days a week 8 hours a day.  I get paid 11$/hr  which is pretty decent for a fresh out of high school individual.  But I am greedy as some would say and I do not like this hard labor type of work.  Like I said it is ok for the time being but I would really like to try and find some ways to move on past this and just leave it as a good memory.  What I would like to do is find ways online to make a decent amount of money so if I really have to do anything then I would just have to work a part time job or something of that nature or perhaps keep this job I currently have so that I can make a little extra money so that I am not always strapped for cash or something.

What I really fear though is being a worker for the rest of my life. The way that I see this is that if I stay in this trade I know I can make about 19$/hr after about 4 years going through an apprenticeship which is decent money if this job sector doesn't take a hit forcing them to drop me.  They pay for the apprenticeship I walk away with a journeyman licence at the very least.  I plan to do this at the very least to make sure that I have some sort of safety net.  But my real fear is looking at what I would accomplish.  If each entire project takes about 2 years then I would only make it through 40 projects with a positive outlook on my health and not getting hurt at all.  Too me that is a life not well lived. I survived but I wasn't doing something that I truly love.

I would truly love to be an artist whether I am working for a company or working freelance I would like to create art.  I look at everything I create as art but I just cannot see running wire and bending pipe as being a form of artwork that I would truly enjoy.  If I could make just enough money to keep a part time job and survive while I try to make a name for myself in the art world I would be content for a while.  But as of right now I barely have the energy to do anything when I get home and I feel as if I am getting myself stuck into a rut and I will continue to walk in this rut until I am an old man.  That is truly my biggest fear. I do not want to convince myself that this job is alright when my true dream is to be an artist.  Years from now if I convince myself that being an electrician was a good choice I will stop and think "wow.  I really wanted to be an artist.... How did I get stuck doing this?"

Speaking of art.  I am thinking about creating another page as a sort of add on thing to this blog.  I think that I might start posting images of things that I am creating.

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