Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Trying a free Entrepreneurship

Well I decided while I wait for January so I can go to college for my Art or Computer Science degree that I would try my hand in .  Shirts are relatively expensive but I am hoping something catches on and I can sell a few of something. I doubt it will happen and I know realistically the odds of me making any type of money off this so I have not quit my job yet.  But I did spend 80$ purchasing a new tablet because my other one broke.  I'm gonna use this to make small sprites and designs for the shirts. Hopefully neat pictures or something can spark a sale or two. I am trying to come up with stuff on my own (though I doubt it is completely original seeing as it was inspired by something else).  I am going to design my own images and then let others use them also giving me some revenue if I am lucky.   Everything is a long shot but I really would like for this to somewhat supplement my jobs money so that I can afford a few extra things along the way.

If you see anything you like don't hesitate. I'm going to lower the prices soon because  I feel 16$ is steep for simple shirts.  Once I add designs it's a whole new ballgame. Waiting for my drawing tablet to come in and perhaps I will post it as a little extra.

Try it's pretty fun to create shirts even if you just want one personal shirt for you and you only or if you want to try a little something different. I'm not getting paid for anything of this but I really do appreciate this site for such an opportunity.

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